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Tuesday, October 2, 2012


So, why would the Ramen Guru study Japanese?
Well, as a Venezuelan born in the United States, my first language was Spanish. I learned English when I moved up north, and from there I began to improve both languages. Yet, my older cousin down in Miami was really interested in anime (Sailor Moon being her favorite), and as the influential little girl that I was, I grew to love anime, too.

My love, more than anything, went to Pokemon for the first six years. I played the games (as I still do), collected the cards, watched the shows, and I even bought the merchandise! I could never stop admiring the people whose brilliant minds had created this masterpiece!!

After that, my love swelled even more as I discovered my Achilles' heel: RAMEN. As an only child for sixteen years, I was often home alone right after school. My cooking skills were dismal, and after yeas of sandwiches, I need something else! I was introduced to this elixir of life, and that pushed me down the road to other ramen lovers, namely Naruto the protagonist of ナルト! As I read more and more manga, I really aspired to read these stories in their native creation, and so I here I am taking my first Japanese class at Columbia Univeristy!

I am so excited because I have been studying Japanese for many years on my own, but my skill only got me as far as reading and writing kana and kanji. My prowess for comprehension and oral skills is not all that great yet, and that is what makes this class difficult so far. I always need to ask for repeats (もういちどきいてください). Despite that, I study as best as I can, and I have already learned so much! I can not wait until I am a full-fledged Japanese speaker! 

~Ramen Guru


  1. はじめまして!わたしはノートルダムだいがくのがくせいです。コニチェックです。わたしもPokemonがすきです! Also one of my favorite things to do with Ramen is stirfry it with vegetables and soy sauce. YUM!

    1. おいしいですね!いちねんせいですか。


      Man, that sounds sooo good. I am writing this while really hungry, haha. There is a working kitchen right next to me, and no working chef!

      Thank you for commenting : ) どうもありがとう!

  2. はじめまして! マックマレンです。ノートルダムだいがくの にねんせいです。 どうぞ よろしく!
    What's your favorite anime that you've watched? I'm also a huge fan :P

    1. ノートルダムだいがくのがくせいもですか。
      えいと、とてもアニメをみます。そしていつもまんがをよみます、teehee ^.^! Most recently, I have been reading/watching ナルト、ブリーチ、フェアリテ
      イル、 カいちょうはメイドさま、and others haha What about you?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This, along with the cold weather, is reminding me that I haven't had ramen in quite a while and it's high time that I get around to doing that. I'm from Los Angeles (which has excellent Japanese food overall, by the way) which has its own Little Tokyo that is easily accessible, so I'm quite spoiled and picky when it comes to ramen. I haven't found anywhere near Columbia yet. Any suggestions?

    1. Haha, I feel the dame way! Wow, you are so lucky to have been able to eat there whenever! I wish I had that, but at least now I do : ) Actually there is a ramen cooking contest on the 14th (this weekend!) on 92nd & 93rd of Broadway! You should go, I am : D

  5. Perhaps we can have a らめん and あにめ party at the end of the semester! I have all of みやざきさん's movies on DVD!

    1. いっしょにみやざきさんのえいがをみましょう!たのしいですね。<(^.^)>

  6. ポケモンをしますか。BW2は?If you do, we should trade (and possibly battle)!

    1. Bw2をいます! When I get it, I am totally up to it!

    2. そうですか?たのしみです!

    3. はい、はい!どうもありがとうございます!

      By the way, how fun is Pokemon BW2? Is it really different?

  7. わたしもポケモンとらめんがだいすきです!がんばってください!
